The SEO Guide: What makes Content, “Good Quality Content?”

If you are associated with even minimal work in SEO and marketing field, chances are you heard that “quality” of content is the most important factor needed for SEO. What we often forget addressing is that “quality of content” is a subjective matter. What looks like a well-written article to your colleagues might not be good quality content for Google search engine.
The jumbled up SEO marketing has some specific terms that everyone has heard, terms such as SEO and good quality and SEO are interconnected. Alternatively, writing good quality content will make your blog rank higher. While all of these statements hold accuracy somewhere, some questions remain unanswered. Questions such as who is going to define the guidelines of good quality content for SEO.
In the time when nothing works for businesses except perfect search engine optimization and digital marketing, the need for good writers has grown exceptionally high.
If a blog that ranks higher signifies that exceptional writing skills are all that is needed to outclass in search competition, then here’s what’s wrong in it. This arrogant aphorism leads to oversimplification of strategy, time, efforts and strategy behind the ranking of the content.
This statement also depicts that all the blogs standing below the first three positions are inferior in quality.
Are You Writing for Reader, Google or Both?
A normal writer writes for the reader, but an SEO writer writes for robots and readers. The robots here are the mightiest search engines such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and more but the readers are those who punch keywords and end up landing on your written content in search of information.
So if you are aiming to write content that is high in quality, it should also be highly beneficial to the readers, right?
So what makes a good quality content beneficial for readers?
To make sure you’re creating and publishing content that is beneficial for your audience, judge whether your content answers the following questions affirmatively:
- Does my content have all the information that my audience will be looking for?
- Is my content easy to read and understand?
- Is my content looking accurate and trustworthy?
- Is my content worth reading?
If all the answers to this question are “yes”,then you know you are ready to publish something good for your audience.
After curating content that is worth reading, what comes next is an attempt to satisfy the search engine Gods.
What most people do not understand is that Google and other search engines are robots but that does not mean that you have to talk to them in their language. Instead of writing a good piece that is informative and interesting, SEO writers dab all the keywords forcefully into the content just so that searching cursor lands on their blog and fits it into the higher-ranking list.
When you are working on your blog to make it informative and interesting for the reader then the reader also scrolls down to grab all the details, and eventually, Google will sense the activity. So instead of writing a boring blog of 10,000 words, write something that adds value.
To understand, this better, take the example of Spectrum Internet. The company serves a reliable and fast speed internet connection in 40+ states. If someone who is looking for the availability of high-speed internet service in Charlotte will most probably land to one of the blogs by the Cox communication. The only reason for a reader to click on one of the blogs from this site would be to have complete information of the bundles, deals and other services the company provides in Charlotte. If the reader gets keywords forced in their eyes at the beginning of the blog instead of the genuine information, why would they scroll further and give the blog a chance to rank higher in search engines?
Should I Help Educate Readers with my Classic Vocabulary or Make Things Simpler?
There are two types of writers; one that excels in good vocabulary and they use it in their write-ups. The other type uses simpler vocabulary in their writing piece. So the question here arises is that which of the formats makes content a “good quality content?”
As we said, the term “good quality” is subjective, especially when we talk about writing for two different purposes. When you write for readers, only using both the forms of writing is beneficial. The high-class vocabulary can help educate your readers or impress the readers who have a better understanding of complex words. Moreover, simpler words will help the reader grab the information in your content quickly.
But with SEO content writing things are a little different. When you are writing for readers and robots, you need to keep in mind that they both are interconnected. Using a complex and difficult to understand vocabulary might affect your Flesch-Kincaid readability score.
Using simpler and shorter sentences increases the chances of making content beneficial for the reader. A reader not only understands the delivered messaged but also sticks around longer on the page. This eventually helps the search engine in calculating the time and number of scrolls received bya content.
Key Takeaways
Search engine optimization and SEO content marketing go hand in hand. However, speculating the quality of content based on complex vocabulary and unnecessary use of keywords to satisfy the search engines often confuses the writer into generating content that is of no use for the reader. Therefore, in this write up we have cleared out some of the common misconceptions regarding the content writing approach in achieving higher ranks in the search engines.